Marriot Wiki

Joannie Kuvago

Joannie Kuvago
Codename : The Bitch
Joannie 3
Gender Female

Singing , Dancing, Scheming ,Being Mean ,Planning

Weakness Not Being Popular
Friends Everyone (except enemies)





Wonder Girls

1st Appearence Soul Song

Joannie is a student in the Ashfalls High School who decide to help out Dacav5 and Sarah tagged along with her

She is the mean girl in the group and when she needs to be popular she can be having her moments where she can ....

  • Push off Sarah in a 20ft Stair Case
  • Pour Ice Coffee on Jenna's head
  • Kick Z in the balls
  • curse out The Wonder Girls
  • Spit in Jenna's drink (and she drinks it ....)
  • Smacks a 2 year old
  • Snatches and smashes an Orange 10x for her anger on Jenna

Joannie is also another member of Dacav5 Joannie is a ongoing antagonist of the series, identified by her long brown hair. Selfish and bullying, Joannie bills herself as "the real star of the band", though she does little more than stand around scowling with her arms folded, always jealous of the attention the others get, especially Jenna. Her sole "talent" is her constant plotting to steal the spotlight and Andy's affections from Jenna, only to have every scheme fail in humiliating fashion.


SOng 498

The Power Of Love(Celine FreakShow)

Song 2222


As Long As Your'e There (Soul Song)

